Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Reactions from the first year of medical school

The first year of medical school was exhausting, fun, sleep deprived, anxiety ridden, but extremely humbling. It was really a test of character and perseverance to get this far. Just in congratulation (to myself) i'm posting a series of images, gifs to sum up this year.

So mainly it was a year of anxiety, fear, stress, feeling stupid (about yourself, and others) all punctuated by the moments of confidence, love and support. Now that first year is done, it does feel like an accomplishment. I should probably be happy, but now we'll have step 1 to start studying for. I don't know how to feel about this

Sunday, March 23, 2014

More disney!

I've been loving the adaptions of Disney into reality. I added some inspirational images, and as a 2 pretty intresting adaptions of Hey Arnold! and Recess. They're both working checking out

Okay, now onto some more studying. urgrgrgrg